Why pregnancy cramps can happen?

Posted by jerry

Bleeding and cramping during pregnancy does not always indicate a severe problem of pregnancy even if no woman wants to see or feel. Despite maintaining their health care providers in the circuit's most recommended, is also recommended that you try to really understand what the cause of the signs and symptoms may be new to experience it. This article shows the four most common causes of cramping in late pregnancy.

1. Ectopic pregnancy can cause cramping and bleeding. Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by development of the embryo in the fallopian tube rather than the uterine wall. Ectopic pregnancy is a life impending condition and should not be taken lightly. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following: pain in one part of the stomach and cramping in the pelvis, and more.

2. After a failure can also cause cramping in late pregnancy, the cramps are often accompanied by bleeding. It is also possible that you might have a miscarriage, no cramps, it is important to know the signs of miscarriage can not be overstated: The signs include, but are not limited to, bleeding from the vagina, pain around the pelvis, and outgoing network of the vagina.

3. If you experience cramps after the first trimester, the placenta may be an indication of a problem. These are: placental abruption (when the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus), preterm birth (this marked the beginning of labor before 37 weeks of gestation), and placenta previa (which occurs when the neck with a mother partly or wholly due to placenta position too low).

4. The process by which an embryo is embedded in the uterine wall is called implantation. This is normal and common for this process causes cramping and bleeding. APA (ie, the American Pregnancy Association), said that implantation bleeding can occur within the first 6-12 days after fertilization of the egg - which is a process often referred to as the tenet. This bleeding, which can last several hours or days to two, which appears as a place of light. Ironically, some women may not experience cramps are caused by conditions at least, or maybe just mild cramps.

Note that you should try to keep your health care provider in a circle (ie, knowledge) about their experiences during pregnancy, especially since it is associated with cramping or bleeding in particular. Avoid putting anything into the vagina like tampons while bleeding. If possible, try not to abstain from sex until you have determined the cause of cramps in late pregnancy. You can track the frequency and amount of bleeding by pad dress, that way you can tell your doctor about your observations.